In case you’re wondering, I pronounce that bee- ate- ah, but if you see me in person, I will respond to anything that sounds close!
I am the creator and maker behind Among the Glitter, a blog about living creatively. Here you will find art projects and seasonal crafts for all ages, DIY ideas, my attempts at organization, our home renovation and decor, and everyday musings about faith, motherhood, and life.
What does it mean to live creatively?
It means letting go of fear, embracing the chaos, and trying new things; letting go of perfection and embracing the process; letting yourself get messy and finding the joy in the work of your hands.
A little bit about me..
I am an art teacher by day, blogger by night, and Jesus-follower always. I’m just a vessel waiting to see what He has in store for me day by day.
I’m a wife and mother to SIX. Adoption is part of our story.
I’ve lived in Illinois, Arizona, California, and now Indiana. We traded big city for small town living and love our community.
Our house is under constant renovation. One project leads to another, which leads to another…. etc. But I love this humble home.
I am thankful for my amazing husband, who is a man after God’s own heart and our family’s rock.
We share the house with two dogs and the yard with 10 chickens and a roo.
I’ve been testing my green thumb and wish I was better at gardening. I am not giving up though!
I’m a wanna-be homesteader and gardener and trying to learn all the skills.
I dream of having an art studio in a backyard barn surrounded by gardens and chickens.
Everyday I am learning to be brave, take small steps of faith, and give up my dreams and desires to God.
Thanks for taking the time to hang out with me in my corner of the internet! I hope you will find encouragement, ideas, and inspiration to create and get just a bit messy!